268 research outputs found

    Motivational climate, goal orientation, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment within Finnish junior ice hockey players

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relations among situational motivational climate, dispositional approach and avoidance achievement goals, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment in Finnish male junior ice hockey players. The sample comprised 265 junior B-level male players with a mean age of 17.03 years (SD=0.63). Players filled questionnaires tapping their perceptions of coach motivational climate, achievement goals, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment. For the statistical analysis, players were divided into high and low perceived sport ability groups. Multigroup structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed an indirect path from task-involving motivational climate via task-approach goal to enjoyment. Additionally, SEM demonstrated four other direct associations, which existed in both perceived ability groups: from ego-involving motivational climate to ego-approach and ego-avoidance goals; from ego-approach goal to ego-avoidance goal; and from task-avoidance goal to ego-avoidance goal. Additionally, in the high perceived sport ability group, there was an association from task-involving motivational climate to enjoyment. The results of this study reveal that motivational climate emphasizing effort, personal development and improvement, and achievement goal mastering tasks are significant elements of enjoyment in junior ice hockey

    Field location and player roles as constraints on emergent 1-vs-1 interpersonal patterns of play in football

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    This study examined effects of player roles on interpersonal patterns of coordination that sustain decision-making in 1-vs-1 sub-phases of football in different field locations near the goal (left-, middle- and right zone). Participants were fifteen U-16 yrs players from a local competitive amateur team. To measure interpersonal patterns of coordination in the 1-vs-1 dyads we recorded: (i) the relative distance value between each attacker and defender to the centre of the goal, and (ii), the relative angle between the centre of the goal, each defender and attacker. Results revealed how variations in field locations near the goal (left-, middle- and right-zones) constrained the relative distance and relative angle values that emerged between them and the goal. It reveals that relative position of the goal is a key informational variable that sustained participants’ behaviours for dribbling and shooting. Higher values of relative distance and angle were observed in the middle zone, compared to other zones. Players’ roles also constitute a constraint on the interpersonal coordination for dribbling and shooting. Additionally, it seems that players’ foot preference constrains the dynamics of interpersonal patterns of coordination between participants, especially in left and right zones. The findings suggest that to increase participants’ opportunities for action, coaches should account with field positions, players’ roles and preference foot

    Effects of textured compression socks on postural control in physically active elderly individuals

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    The aim of this investigation was to analyze the role of textured compression socks on somatosensory function in a sample of physically active elderly individuals when performing a static balancing task. Both textured insoles and athletic tape are deemed to be beneficial for enhancing proprioception because of the capacity for exploiting availability of “sensorimotor system noise”, which enhances movement control and individuals’ joint position perception. It was hypothesized that the compression feature in knee length socks would provide greater stimulation to lower leg mechanoreceptors, and help participants achieve better balance control. Participants (N=8) performed a 30-s Romberg static balance test protocol under three conditions (barefoot; wearing commercial socks; wearing textured compression socks), in a counterbalanced order, with four levels of performance difficulty: (1) standing on a stable surface with open eyes (SO); (2) a stable surface with closed eyes (SC); (3) a foam surface with open eyes (FO); and (4) a foam surface with closed eyes (FC). Two commonly investigated recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) measures (% Det and entropy) were extracted from the recurrence plot for multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). There were no significant interactions between the levels of performance difficulty and the sock treatments, p> 0.05 for both % Det and entropy in both Anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) directions. There was no significant main effect of sock treatments, P> 0.05). However, a main effect for performance difficulty on % Det and entropy was observed in both AP and ML directions. The RQA measures demonstrated that the sensory systems in elderly individuals are able to aid the adaptive re-organization of postural behaviour in response to changing task constraints (performance difficulty levels)

    Kiusatun prosessi:tapaustutkimus kahdesta kiusaamisprosessista kiusatun nÀkökulmasta ja kiusaamisen vaikutuksista

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    TiivistelmÀ. Pro gradu -tutkielmamme tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ erilaisia koulukiusaamiseen vaikuttavia ja altistavia tekijöitÀ sekÀ koulukiusaamisen seurauksia ja uhrin kÀyttÀmiÀ puolustusmekanismeja. Tavoitteenamme oli myös tutkia koulukiusaamisprosessia ja sen kehittymistÀ. Kiusaamista on tutkittu paljon, mutta pidempien kiusaamisprosessien ja kiusaamisen vaikutusten tutkimusta on varsin vÀhÀn. Tutkimuksemme on kahden tapauksen tapaustutkimus, jossa tarkastellaan koulukiusaamisprosessia erityisesti kiusatun nÀkökulmasta. Tapauksina on kaksi henkilöhistoriaa, jotka rajoitimme ajallisesti kiusaamisen alkamisesta haastatteluhetkeen. Kummallakin henkilöllÀ koulukiusaaminen oli alkanut ala-asteella ja pÀÀttynyt vasta ylÀasteella. Tutkimuskysymykset muodostimme tutkimusasetelman pohjalta koskemaan kiusaamisprosessin etenemistÀ ja prosessiin vaikuttavia tekijöitÀ, kiusatun reaktioissa nÀkyviÀ puolustusmekanismeja ja sosiaalisia hallintakeinoja ja kiusaamisen vaikutuksia kiusaamisen uhriin. Molempia henkilöitÀ haastateltiin kaksi kertaa. Haastattelut olivat luonteeltaan teemahaastatteluita. EnsimmÀiset haastattelut perustuivat Hamaruksen koulukiusaamisprosessin piirteiden etsimiseen ja prosessin kuvaukseen. Toiset haastattelut perustuivat ensimmÀisistÀ haastatteluista poimittuihin tilanteisiin, joista pyrimme syventÀmÀÀn haastattelussa kuvaa kiusatun reaktioista ja tunteista tilanteessa. LisÀksi syvennyimme kiusaamisen jÀlkeiseen aikaan ja siihen, millaisia vaikutuksia henkilöt ovat kokeneet kiusaamisella olleen heidÀn elÀmÀÀnsÀ. Aineisto litteroitiin ja luokiteltiin luokitteluohjelman avulla. Analyysin luokat muodostimme tutkimusasetelmasta johtamiemme tutkimuskysymysten pohjalta. Analyysi oli yhdistelmÀanalyysi muun muassa sisÀllön analyysin ja aikasarja-analyysin viitekehyksiÀ soveltaen. Tulkinnan pohjana oli löytÀÀ ja avata aineistosta nÀkyviÀ ja piiloisia sisÀltöjÀ ja peilata niitÀ taustateoriaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa tuli esille, ettÀ tutkittavista kiusaamisprosesseista varsinkin toinen noudattelee melko tarkasti PÀivi Hamaruksen vÀitöskirjassaan esittÀmÀÀ kaavaa. Toisessa tapauksessa prosessi edetessÀÀn saa kaavasta poikkeavia piirteitÀ. Kiusaamisen alkamiseen selkeÀsti yhteydessÀ olevia tekijöitÀ olivat mm. muutto uuteen kouluun, luokan huono ilmapiiri ja opettajan rooli luokassa. Kiusaamisen uhreilla esiintyi selkeÀsti useita erilaisia defenssimekanismeja joihin vaikuttivat monet eri asiat, kuten kotitausta, ikÀ ja kiusaamisen laatu. Koulukiusaamisen pÀÀttyminen ei lopettanut uhrien prosessia, sillÀ kummallakin haastatelluista oireiden kehittyminen jatkui vielÀ kiusaamisen pÀÀttymisen jÀlkeenkin. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kahta eri henkilöÀ, joten nÀytteen pienuudesta johtuen yleistyksiÀ on varottava. Toisaalta tapaustutkimukseen tutustuessaan tulee ymmÀrtÀÀ, ettei tutkimuksen tavoitteenakaan ole luoda uusia teoreettisia malleja. Kummankin haastatellun tarinassa tuli ilmi, ettÀ kiusaamisella on varsin vakavat seuraukset, mutta myös kiusaamisilmiön hahmottaminen auttaa uhria kÀsittelemÀÀn omaa vaikeaa menneisyyttÀ. Sen vuoksi olisi tÀrkeÀÀ, ettÀ kiusaamisen etenemisprosessin peruskaava olisi laajemminkin ihmisten tiedossa

    Evaluation of pure-tone audiometric protocols in vestibular schwannoma screening

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    The objective was to evaluate the pure-tone audiogram-based screening protocols in VS diagnostics. We retrospectively analyzed presenting symptoms, pure tone audiometry and MRI finding from 246 VS patients and 442 controls were collected to test screening protocols (AAO-HNS, AMCLASS-A/B, Charing Cross, Cueva, DOH, Nashville, Oxford, Rule3000, Schlauch, Seattle, Sunderland) for sensitivity and specificity. Results were pooled with data from five other studies, and analysis of sensitivity, specificity and positive likelihood ratio (LR+) for each protocol was performed. Our results show that protocols with significantly higher sensitivity (AMCLASS-A/B, Nashville) show also significantly lowest specificity, and tend to have low association (positive likelihood ratio, LR+) to the VS. The highest LR+ was found for protocols AAO-HNS, Rule3000 and Seattle. In conclusions, knowing their properties, screening protocols are simple decision-making tools in VS diagnostic. To use the advantage of the highest sensitivity, protocols AMCLASS-A + B or Nashville can be of choice. For more reasonable approach, applying the protocols with high LR+ (AAO-HNS, Rule3000, Seattle) may reduce the overall number of MRI scans at expense of only few primarily undiagnosed VS. (C) 2020 PLA General Hospital Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Production and hosting by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of early childhood education quality across Europe

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    The aim of the current study was to present the initial results of the evaluation of early childhood education (ECE) quality in six European countries. This study discusses various aspects of the ECE quality in different educational systems. Such comparisons can create a fertile ground for communication and collaboration among the educational communities of different European countries and promote open education. Implications and future recommendations are also discussed

    Revision Rates After Primary ACL Reconstruction Performed Between 1969 and 2018 : A Systematic Review and Metaregression Analysis

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    Background: Numerous studies, including randomized controlled trials (RCTs), have been published on the optimal graft choice for primary anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Purpose: To review existing studies to investigate whether advances in orthopaedics have affected revision rates after primary ACL reconstruction. Study Design: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4. Methods: The PubMed database was searched from inception to December 31, 2020, using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Patient series, observational studies, clinical trials, and registry-based studies investigating primary ACL reconstruction were included, as were high-quality RCTs from an additional study. The minimum required follow-up time for inclusion was 1 year. The primary outcome measure was the pooled prevalence of revision ACL reconstruction. The effect of the year the surgery was performed on revision rates was evaluated with metaregression analysis. All graft types were analyzed simultaneously, and all analyses were repeated separately for each graft type. Results: Overall, 330 articles with 52,878 patients were included, with a median patient age of 28 years (range, 15-57 years). The primary ACL reconstructions were performed between 1969 and 2018. At a median of 2.3 years of follow-up, the overall revision rate was 3.14% (95% CI, 2.76% to 3.56%); it was 2.71% (95% CI, 2.25% to 3.27%) for hamstring autografts, 2.38% (95% CI, 1.82% to 3.11%) for bone–patellar tendon–bone (BPTB) autografts, and 5.24% (95% CI, 4.02% to 6.80%) for other graft types. For hamstring grafts, the revision rate increased over time (year of surgery), with a 0.0434 (95% CI, 0.0150 to 0.0718) increase effect in the logit-transformed scale for every additional year. There was a slight decrease in revision rates for BPTB (ÎČ = –0.0049; 95% CI, –0.0352 to 0.0254) and other graft types (ÎČ = –0.0306; 95% CI, –0.0608 to −0.0005) over time; however, confidence intervals for BPTB included the zero change. Conclusion: Based on this systematic review and meta-analysis, ACL reconstruction is a reliable procedure with overall low historical revision rates. BPTB autograft had the lowest revision rate and a slightly decreasing trend of failures during the past 45 years, although both BPTB and hamstring autografts are reliable graft choices.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Lead, cadmium and mercury contents of Fungi in Mikkeli, SE Finland

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    Migration of contaminants from milk tubes and teat liners

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    Reprinted with permission from the Journal of Food Protection. Copyright held by the International Association for Food Protection, Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A
